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ransit-oriented development is a key part of our strategy for creating sustainable transportation infrastructure. By concentrating residential and commercial development around public transit stations, we can reduce car dependency and encourage sustainable travel options.

At Ecotranzit, we take a holistic approach to transit-oriented development that focuses on creating walkable, mixed-use, and transit-connected neighborhoods. We work closely with municipalities, real estate developers, and community groups to plan and design developments that promote sustainable mobility.


Some of the main principles that guide our transit-oriented development work are:

–  High density: We aim to create compact neighborhoods with high population and job densities within walking distance of transit stops. This supports higher ridership for local transit services.

–   Mixed uses: By incorporating a mix of residential, retail, office, and other land uses, we can minimize the need for car trips and enable more trips by transit, walking, and cycling.

–  Walkability: We design street networks and public spaces that are pedestrian-oriented and make walking an attractive option for short trips. This includes features like sidewalks, crosswalks, street trees, and slow vehicle speeds.

–  Seamless connectivity: This involves designing easy access points, clear signage, and safe pathways between transit stops and development amenities.

–  Universal access: All aspects of the development are designed for accessibility, ensuring people of all ages and abilities can use the spaces comfortably and independently.