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Integrated Automated Fare
Collection System


y implementing an integrated fare collection system, our clients can streamline their operations, reduce costs, and improve their overall efficiency. Our system helps to prevent revenue loss due to fraud or errors, ensuring that our clients’ transportation systems are financially viable. Additionally, our system promotes transparency in financial transactions, providing clients with a detailed and accurate record of fares collected. This promotes a more efficient and sustainable transportation system, improving the overall experience for passengers.

Our system simplifies the fare collection process, making it easier for passengers to pay for their transportation and for operators to collect fares. Passengers can conveniently and easily pay for their transportation using a variety of payment methods, including contactless payments, mobile payments, and smart cards. This reduces wait times for passengers and promotes a more efficient and sustainable transportation system. By offering multiple payment methods, our integrated fare collection system improves the overall experience for passengers, promoting a more convenient and accessible public transportation system.

Ecotranzit’s Integrated Automated Fare Operations are designed to provide a seamless and efficient fare collection process for public transportation. By hosting the system on the cloud or on-premises, our service ensures that the system runs smoothly, with experts closely monitoring it to identify and resolve any issues that may arise. This ensures that the system functions optimally at all times, providing a reliable and convenient service for passengers.


Continuous Monitoring and Maintenance

Our team continuously monitors the fare collection system to ensure that it remains up to date and operates efficiently, providing a reliable and convenient service for passengers. We take any necessary corrective actions, apply updates and batches to prevent any issues that may arise from outdated technology, and maintain the system’s smooth and efficient operation. This ensures that our clients’ transportation systems are financially viable, promoting transparency, accuracy, and efficiency in financial transactions.